SEG Strategic Options (SO) Task Force Update

Hello SEG members,

The SEG Strategic Options (SO) Task Force provides me with regular updates, and I would like to pass some key information on to you. Communication throughout this process is paramount.

As such, a web page is now available to provide continuous updates. Here you can download files, read my previous updates, and stay abreast of the latest developments. View the web page.

The SO Task Force recognizes the most important thing is to proactively listen to our members and potential future members when making this decision. They will have an interactive dialogue by conducting focus groups with key stakeholders, to learn what our members want from SEG, what the future looks like for geophysics, and how SEG can support its members in that future.

In addition to the focus groups, they will be setting up an online discussion board for your participation, engaging in a dialogue on social media, and continuing to welcome feedback via email.

Currently, the Task Force is working on:

  1. Exploring what a merger would look like with SPE/AAPG. SEG has great respect for both organizations and recognizes that no matter what the future path, they will continue to be a part of SEG’s future as our partnerships with them are valuable to our members and the geophysics community
  2. Exploring what a merger would look like with other associations
  3. Exploring what a new SEG would look like and examining how a new business model will help us prioritize opportunities in the future. While considering options for a new SEG, it is important to note that SEG will remain committed to serving the energy industry and will continue to support our members working in that arena in the future

As part of this process, the SO Task Force is examining risks vs. opportunities of each scenario that includes looking at financials, member and industry data, and identifying additional opportunities. Download a graphic representation of the strategic options.

I think it is interesting that some of our members who were initially strongly advocating to merge with AAPG-SPE in what they considered an obvious choice have tempered their opinion when assessing more context and detailed information. To better understand the difficult decision ahead of us, I encourage you to look through the information on the new page. You will learn there are pros and cons to every option.

Regardless of the outcome, we all recognize we are taking a bet on the future, and no one knows how that future will unfold. The only certainty at this point is that it is time to change and evolution isn’t a bad thing.


Anna Shaughnessy
SEG President and Chair of the Board