The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) publications are an essential resource for students, researchers, and practitioners working in applied geophysics.
SEG publishes a wide variety of books and e-books in several series, ranging from comprehensive treatments of mature subjects, to discussion of leading-edge technologies, to definitive reference volumes.
The SEG eBooks Collection currently contains more than 155 titles comprised of recent and legacy books. The collection is fully searchable and also allows browsing by title, year, series, and topic. Front matter, and in most cases back matter (indexes and references), are free. Individuals may make credit-card purchases of chapters or whole books, and institutions may purchase subscriptions to the entire collection or purchase perpetual access to the entire collection.
SEG books in print and other reference publications may be purchased online. SEG members can purchase most items in the portfolio at a discount of approximately 45% off of the list price.
SEG Books Price List (PDF)
2023-2024 SEG Publications Catalog (PDF)