The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Field Camp program is intended to advance the science of geophysics and support aspiring geoscientists by providing critical funding for projects that promote the professional development, student support, and youth outreach goals of the SEG. Applicants from around the world are encouraged to apply.

The Field Camp Program is competitive, and applications are ranked according to scoring criteria. Field camps should maximize the impact of an SEG grant with no-cost equipment use from local companies and geophysical entities and should support their activities with other types of funding complementing the requested funds from SEG.

Sponsored by the SEG Foundation

Field camps are an interactive way to provide real world training to students beyond what can be taught in the classroom.


Field Camp Application Timeline

Field Camp grant applications open 1 November and close 1 February.

The application deadline is 1 February 2024.

Applicants who would like feedback before submitting their final applications, may request a review by emailing us at [email protected] with a complete draft of your application before 5 January. The reader will provide feedback to you in time to update your application and submit it by the 1 February deadline.

Applications will be reviewed by the Field Camp Committee in February and March. Decisions will be announced in April and funds will be released when completed award packets are received.

In order to apply you will need to create a Grantinterface account online (if you do not already have one), and select SEG Field Camp Grant Application. Start the process by clicking the APPLY NOW button on this page. Please note, the button is not available if we are not currently accepting applications.

“After taking part in the camp, I knew that I wanted to be a geophysicist and looked forward to learning more in the field.” Read more

Roman PetrokushynField Camps Committee Member

Field Camp Funding Eligibility

  1. Field Camp organizing students and at least one of the faculty members must be part of a SEG student chapter.
  2. Proposed field camp projects must have an impact on the geophysical profession or students of the geosciences.
  3. Geophysics is a wide world with amazing opportunities for everybody including the community where projects take place. Field Camp organizers are expected to interact and get involved with the local community in order to demonstrate the impact of geoscience on safety and energy resources.
  4. Develop relationships with local companies that can provide equipment and software support to the Field Camp activities. Field Camps should maximize their impact with no-cost equipment used in partnership with local geoscience companies and government entities.
  5. Field Camps are not financially supported in their entirety by SEG.  Field Camp organizers are expected to find financial support in addition to SEG funding to execute their projects.
  6. Any funding award that is not used for the purpose outlined in the proposal must be returned to the SEG, unless written permission is received to change the scope of the original project request.
  7. Any funds not accounted for with invoices or receipts must be returned to the SEG.
  8. Funds may not be utilized for administrative, overhead, or indirect costs. This includes teaching assistant and professor stipends.
  9. SEG Field Camps are expected to adhere to the SEG Health, Safety, Security, and Environment policy. (see charts below)
  10. Evaluation of the field camp project is required. An evaluation report must be received by the SEG Business Office within 60 days of the last day of the project.
  11. The grant application may be submitted, and the field camp led by students, but a letter showing faculty commitment is also required.

Note: Previous field camps encountered the following safety issues. 

InjuryInjury Details
No Reported Medical ConditionsMedical Incidents
WoundsCuts, Burns, Bruises
Strain/SprainStress-induced body pain, fall
Bone & Joint
InsectsMosquito bite, tick bite
EnvironmentalHeat, sunburn, allergies
MedicalGastrointestinal disorders, cholecystitis, Flu, Sore Throat, headache, COVID, Malaria

Last year’s field camps encountered the following safety issues.

OccurrenceTotal InjuriesInjuries (%)
Bone & Joint00%

Please review the HSSE safety policy and toolkit.

HSSE Required Forms

Field Camp HSSE Plan TemplateA checklist of what to include in the proposalView Example
Field Camp HSSE Risk Matrix TemplateA chart to list possible hazardsView Example

Field Camp Application Review Criteria

These are the primary criteria, in no particular order, that will be used by the Field Camp Committee to review and prioritize qualified Field Camp applications:

  1. What is the geoscientific and educational merit of the proposed activity?
  2. Will the results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific and technological understanding?
  3. Is the project’s health, safety, and environmental plan clearly defined and relevant?
  4. How well does the activity promote teaching, training, and learning?
  5. How well does the proposed activity broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g. gender, ethnicity, disability, geographic, etc.)?
  6. How well does the proposed activity incorporates the non geoscience local community (k-12, community leaders, community members, educators, etc.)
  7. How well qualified is the applicant (individual or team) to conduct the project?
  8. How well conceived and organized is the proposed activity?

“I started participating in field camp during my undergraduate level. I was among the students who attended the field camp the first time it was organized in my institution. This was such a huge achievement for me to be one of the participants and was a great opportunity for me to interact with geophysical equipment.” Read article

Dorothy Kanini MwanziaJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya

Scoring Criteria

  1. Applications concisely address the questions with adequate detail and background.
  2. Applications must include time-framed and measurable objectives.
  3. Applications must specify the purpose for which SEG funds will be utilized, and describe how the project will verify and report that funds have been expended in the manner requested and approved.
  4. Applications must document partnerships with the local geophysical community. NOTE: The program is not intended to fully fund an entire project. Applicants should have other funding sources and partnerships to support a project.
  5. Applications must clearly describe how the project relates to the mission of the SEG by advancing geophysics today and/or inspiring geoscientists for tomorrow.
  6. Applications must clearly show how the project organizers will be involved and interact with the local community.
  7. Applications must describe how the project will publicly recognize the support of SEG.

Budget Required Form

Final Products Required

Field Camp Poster Examples

Below are some examples of poster presentations prepared by participants in the SEG Field Camps. (Please go to “Final Products Required” for a poster template.)

Note: The Society of Exploration Geophysicists will not direct/manage any of the participating projects and as such, its officers, agents, and employees shall be held harmless from liability from any claims, damages, and actions of any nature arising from the conduct of this project.

The project organizer team will take all necessary steps to comply with local, state, and federal mandates concerning the protection of human health and the environment.