Time Lapse Pilot
4D Pressure Prediction through Improved Seismic Imaging and Reservoir Characterization
The main SEAM Pressure Prediction project focused on predicting pore pressure prior to drilling using surface seismic (and EM) data. By contrast, the Time Lapse Pilot project, separately funded, focused on understanding the evolution of pore pressure during production using time-lapse seismic data and reservoir characterization. By contrast with SEAM’s Life of Field project, the Time Lapse Pilot was smaller, simpler, and quicker.
The Time Lapse Pilot was funded (80%) by a US$500,000 grant from NETL through RPSEA, with a US$125,000 (in-kind) matching contribution from SEAM, structured contractually as an extension to the SEAM Pore Pressure Prediction project. Due to the specific requirements of NETL, the project was completed, with all Deliverables delivered, at the end of September 2016. This tight deadline meant that the model was small (seismic: 12.5km x 12.5km x 5km; reservoir: 5km x 5km x .4km) and the reservoir mechanics were simple. However, the seismic modeling had specifications comparable to those of other recent SEAM projects.
All the other petrophysical and geophysical parameters were specified in comparable detail. Extraordinary effort by Technical Committee member Joe Stefani, and his colleagues at Chevron, was instrumental in developing this model. The plan includes a baseline seismic simulation, followed by a production scenario with realistic reservoir geomechanical response, and a monitor seismic simulation.
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