Subsalt Imaging
Phase I: Subsalt Imaging in Tertiary Basins
SEAM Phase I: Challenges of Subsalt Imaging in Tertiary Basins, with Emphasis on Deepwater Gulf of Mexico has been a resounding success! The project was a resounding success, yielding data sets and models that are now available to the public.
Primary goals and accomplishments of SEAM Phase I:
- The numerical SEAM Earth Model, representative of a 60-block area of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. This model has been constructed in a form that easily enables extension to other complex imaging challenges by adding the rock properties necessary for elastic, nonseismic, anisotropic, and viscoelastic.
- Simulation of approximately 65,000 shot records, containing as many as 450,000 traces each, for an acoustic dataset.
- Development and adoption of a data compression scheme.
- Development of multiple “classic” data subsets for broad usage by the global research and academic communities.
- The initiation of complementary geophysical simulations (e.g., CSEM, gravity, and magnetic modeling) over the SEAM Earth Model.
- Establishment of a process for efficient storage and distribution of the data and the “classic” datasets.
Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA) awarded US$2.6 million to SEAM under the Ultra-Deepwater Program and the additional US$660,000 to fund the projects was provided by SEAM Phase I Participants.
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