If you are currently subscribed to GEOPHYSICS, The Leading Edge, or Interpretation but have not received your copies in the mail, you can file a claim according to SEG’s claims policy.
SEG shall fulfill claims for missing issues of its print journals on the following basis:
- For Institutional claims, contact [email protected].
- To be eligible for fulfillment processing, claims must be submitted in a timely manner (within 90 days after the issue’s mail date if fulfillment is to a subscriber in the United States, and within 120 days after the issue’s mail date if fulfillment is to a subscriber elsewhere in the world). Please allow four–six weeks for delivery outside the United States.
- All applicable member dues and/or subscription fees must have been paid to SEG in full prior to the beginning of print and mailing process for issues claimed.
- Subscribers are responsible for keeping their addresses up to date. Claims based on incorrect addresses in SEG records shall not be fulfilled. To update your address, email [email protected].
- SEG does not prorate member subscriptions, and fulfills back issues of GEOPHYSICS, Interpretation, and The Leading Edge for a member subscriber joining or renewing midyear contingent upon availability and payment of shipping costs by the member.
- Contact [email protected] for details on purchasing back issues.
- SEG reserves the right to modify this policy from time to time without notice.
For questions, contact Member Engagement at [email protected].