Episode 16: Sven Treitel – Geophysical Signal Processing

Permalink: https://doi.org/10.1190/seismic-soundoff-episode16

Sven Treitel discusses his signal processing course, the historical transition from analog to digital, and his decades-long collaboration with Enders Robinson.

Sven Treitel, along with Enders Robinson, was instrumental in the transition of exploration geophysics from analog to digital recording and data processing. Sven has published over 40 papers and has received numerous Society awards, including SEG’s Reginald Fessenden award and Honorary Membership. He also co-authored two books with Enders Robinson, the most recent – Digital Imaging and Deconvolution – that serves as the basis for the May 23-26 virtual course, Geophysical Signal Processing 101, sponsored by the Geophysical Society of Houston and the SEG. 

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