The Society of Exploration Geophysicists Names James (Jim) C. White as New Executive Director

Tulsa, OK – After a comprehensive global search, The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Board of Directors has announced its selection of James (Jim) C. White as the new SEG executive director.

White’s professional career spans the geophysical industry with experience in executive management, business development, strategic planning, risk analysis, program management, and financial strategies. He has served in several nonprofit organizations including, most recently, the IAGC Chairman of the Board. White holds a bachelor’s degree in geoscience from Penn State University.

“The SEG Board, staff, and members are thrilled to welcome Jim White to serve as the new executive director of our organization,” said SEG President Maurice Nessim. “After an extensive and thorough worldwide search, SEG was delighted to find Jim with his experience in the geophysical industry, his leadership background, and character that fit our Society and its strategic direction of growth. Jim’s goals and vision align nicely with SEG’s and we’re excited to have him on board.”

About SEG
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists is committed to connecting and inspiring the people and science of geophysics. With more than 13,000 members in 116 countries, SEG provides educational and technical resources to the global geosciences community through publications, books, events, forums, professional development courses, young professional programs, and more. Founded in 1930, SEG fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, characterization of near surface, and mitigation of earth hazards. For more information visit

Stephanie Moore
SEG, Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected]