The top three geophysics abstracts and presentations were recently announced for both the 1st SEG Latin America Virtual Student Conference (10 March) and the 4th SEG Virtual Student Conference (5 May).
1st SEG Latin America Virtual Student Conference
1st place: Raquel Macedo — Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil
2nd place: Thiago Dos Santos — Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil
3rd place: Lidia Calonio — Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil
4th SEG Virtual Student Conference
1st place: Deborah Wehner — University of Cambridge
2nd place: Robert Neumeister — Freie Universität Berlin
3rd place: Malin Lunde — University of Bergen
These virtual student conferences are free events organized by the student members of Latin America Regional Advisory Committee and the SEG Europe and Eurasia Regional Advisory Committees. They provide a unique opportunity to all final-year undergraduate, masters, and PhD students from the specific region’s universities to share their research work with peers and develop an international network. The experience enables them to learn and obtain feedback on how to write an abstract and develop presentation skills for a professional audience. It also provides the opportunity to more experienced students to be part of the evaluation committee and learn how qualify the science and presentation skills of the participants.
Congratulations to our SEG student winners!
Upcoming Virtual Student Conferences:
Latin America — 9 and 10 November
Eurasia and Europe — 11 November