Hello SEG members,
As your new President, I want to keep the lines of communication open between myself and SEG stakeholders. In response to the SEG Board’s decision to explore all possible strategic options for the future of the Society, I have established an SEG Strategic Options (SO) Task Force.
The SO Task force chair is President-Elect, Ken Tubman. It will be a small, diverse task force representing all areas of applied geophysics, academia and industry, early career, and seasoned veterans. The task force will reach out to their networks to engage an even broader group of members.
The Task Force’s goal is to examine which strategic option is in the best interest of SEG’s membership. It will then put forth a recommendation that will support the strategic mission and vision of our Society.
Earlier this year, AAPG and SPE announced they are considering a merger of their two organizations. A small subset of the SO Task Force will enter a discussion with AAPG and SPE to determine whether a unification with them will be advantageous for the future of the Society. The decision to join the discussions with AAPG and SPE is not a decision to merge. It is a decision to join the conversation and understand how and if this would add value to our members.
Look for more information coming soon on the composition of the SO Task Force, their timeline, and their plan. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to Ken Tubman or me with questions or comments. I am excited about the future of our Society and look forward to working with you this year.
Anna Shaughnessy
SEG President and Chair of the Board