JEDI Committee seeks members

The SEG Board of Directors recently approved creation of a Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, and the committee is recruiting members. Pepo Arce, who served on two task forces leading to the JEDI Committee’s creation, has accepted appointment as the committee’s first chair. Estella Atekwana, Eileen Martin, Manika Prasad, and Lillian Flakes, also members of those task forces, also have volunteered to continue working on JEDI issues within SEG as committee members. Anna Shaughnessy will serve as the Board Liaison until the Annual Meeting this fall.

The committee advises the SEG Board on setting and maintaining justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion goals, strategies, and implementation activities for the Society, its components, and its members and elsewhere within its reach in the world of applied geophysics. The committee advances adopted goals, strategies, and implementation activities by providing guidance to other SEG entities and members in addition to encouraging an environment that establishes a culture of justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Society and among its stakeholders.

The JEDI Committee is seeking up to 10 additional members to join them in accelerating the cultural and process changes our Society must undertake to enhance its relevance and power.

If you would like to join the JEDI Committee, please send an e-mail to [email protected] to say so and provide a brief description of why you would like to serve. Please reply no later than 9 July. The committee will be comprised of not fewer than 11 and not more than 15 members. Each member shall be appointed for a three-year term that may be renewed once.

Committee members should be willing and able to serve as internal and external ambassadors for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout SEG and beyond. The committee shall include members from diverse backgrounds, with different identities with respect to race, ethnicity, disability, gender, etc. When recruiting members, the committee also will consider career stage, global location, professional expertise and service area, and other identity criteria so as to ensure a truly diverse membership. Interested individuals from highly represented groups are welcome along with those from not-well-represented demographics. Proper training in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion organizational and leadership practices will be provided to committee members annually.