Groundwater Exploration and Capacity Building in the Northern Western Desert of Egypt
The main goal of this project is to support groundwater exploration in two villages, Galal and Gazal, with an approx. population of 15,000 that are in dire need of drinking water, which is shipped to them by tanks from cities hundreds of kilometers away by generating soil suitability maps to help the villagers select suitable crops, and mapping aquifers’ distribution and define optimum locations for water wells and provide Electrical Resistivity (ERT) equipment for a local Egyptian university and use the POLARES-32 equipment for the resistivity surveys to collect total of 65 Vertical Electrical Sounding (V.E.S.) by utilizing the Schlumberger electrode configuration to improve the geophysics education and promote geophysics application for groundwater exploration in this region. This work will provide capacity building in hydrogeophysics at the local university to continue serving
other villages.
20 undergraduate students and local S.E.G. student chapter (~15 active members) at the local university will be trained and involved throughout the project.
Project Partners
Oklahoma State University (OSU), Alexandria University and the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries and SEG Students Chapter at Alexandria University
UNSDGs addressed
6–Clean water and sanitation for all