22 August 2023 | 11:00 a.m. Central Time The energy transition generates a new demand for elements that will provide raw materials for batteries and other green energy supplies. Geophysical exploration methods will be essential in the newest findings and reinterpreting previous datasets. In this case, it is necessary to understand the geological context of the different deposit types and their physical properties. Some deposits are part of the bottom part of extinct volcanoes, while
Webinar Hosts: Latin America Regional Advisory Committee
Sustainability and Geophysics – Using Machine Learning to Predict Landslides in Colombia
This webinar, presented in Spanish, is a collaboration between SEG’s Latin America Regional Advisory Committee (LARAC) and the SEG Sustainability Committee. This case study will focus on harnessing machine learning to predict landslides in Colombia, highlighting humanitarian applications of geophysics in accordance with UN Sustainability Development Goals 1 and 11.
4th SEG Latin American Virtual Student Conference
Important Dates Call for Abstracts closed:12 July 2023
Exploring the Ortoire Block, Onshore SE Trinidad
Touchstone Exploration is the operator of the 184 sq km Ortoire Block onshore south eastern Trinidad. The block spans from the villages of Tableland in the west to Pierreville Mayaro in the east and to the very remote areas within the Guayaguayare forest to the south. Structurally the block covers the greater part of the open east facing Ortoire Syncline, which entails Late Miocene Lower Cruse to Pleistocene Mayaro Fm deltaic fill. These passive fordeep
Members in Transition, the new SEG program
Through the Members in Transition (MiT) program, SEG provides support to its members who are in the inbetween stages of their careers. A member in transition is a professional in geophysics who is looking for a new job or a change in her type of work. MiT aims to support recent graduates who are looking for their first job, those who have left the corporate work environment voluntarily or forcibly, to seek other opportunities, or
Digital Architecture of the Subsurface
The Digital Architecture of the Subsoil refers to the art and technique of projecting, designing, and building digital models of the subsurface, which allow efficient and sustainable exploitation. It is to build a model that transforms data into information and information into knowledge for the decision-making process in the value chain of the oil business. For this purpose, the integration, classification, visualization, analysis, and decision-making based on the information is vital for the construction of
The Geophysical Sustainability Atlas
Geophysics has the potential to add value to society, economic systems, and the environment. One way to position and better communicate geophysics and geophysicists as value creators is to map geophysical applications and practices to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. This webinar will illustrate how this mapping process resulted in the formulation of the “Geophysical Sustainability Atlas,” developed to illustrate how geophysics contributes to each of the SDGs and
The current state of mining geophysics in Latin America
The current state of mining geophysics in Latin America: methods, technologies, limitations, regional challenges and requirements for future professionals.
Towards open, collaborative practices in geophysics: examples from geophysical simulations and inversions
Open communities in astrophysics, scientific computing, machine learning, and many other domains demonstrate the power of collaborative efforts to develop open-source software that facilitates research in each of their respective domains (e.g. Astropy, SciPy, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, etc.). Not only do open tools facilitate reproducibility of scientific work, they streamline the exchange of ideas between researchers, even across domains. SimPEG is an effort to build an open-source framework and community around numerical simulations and gradient-based inversions
Web-panel: Geophysics applied to geothermal projects
This web panel is part of a series of panel discussions in non-hydrocarbon applied geophysics promoted by the Latin American Regional Advisory Committee. With the participation of our three experts on the field of geothermal geophysics, the discussion will focus on describing the geophysical methods that are currently used in geothermal projects, the perspective of this sector in the region, and the potential technological innovations, including examples. In our web-panel format the presentations will be