Webinar Hosts: Hydrogeophysics Subcommittee

Exploring the Potential of Using GPR to Investigate the Soil-plant Continuum of Maize Crops

18 September 202410:00 AM (CDT) Non-invasive imaging of soil-plant continuum processes, such as root and soil water distributions, can be used to optimize agricultural practices. This presentation will show the how in-situ time-lapse horizontal crosshole ground penetrating radar (GPR) and root images can be linked. Data collected for maize growing seasons at two minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen, Germany is used, where root development and GPR permittivity were monitored at six depths across different treatments and

SEG Hydrogeophysics Webinar: So You Want to be a Practicing Near-Surface Geophysicist?

15 May 202410:00 AM (CDT) If you are studying and either love near-surface geophysics or think you could learn to love it and be paid for the privilege and want to pursue it as a career, you have two main choices. Both are admirable and rewarding choices, but this talk is about what it is like to be a practicing geophysicist, providing geophysical services, in government and particularly in a consulting environment. The world needs

Factors Controlling Barrier Island Geomorphology: Insights from Geophysical Surveys

20 March 202410:00 AM (CDT) Barrier islands serve as crucial buffers for coastal communities, mitigating the impacts of storms, hurricanes, and sea-level rise. The geomorphology of these islands significantly influences storm effects and recovery processes, which, in turn, are shaped by subsurface geological and hydrogeological factors. This study examines the interplay between subsurface conditions, island geomorphology, and human development on Padre Island in Texas. Our investigation utilizes frequency-domain electromagnetic (FDEM) and time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys

A Path to a Career in Hydrogeophysics

17 April 20248:00 AM (CST) This webinar series is aimed to give career perspectives from a variety of geophysicists who have experience in hydrogeophysics, and in most cases, other areas of geophysics as well. The webinar series is intended for students, emerging professionals, and anyone interested in geophysics.  These webinars should be enjoyable for all levels of geophysical expertise and are supported by the SEG Europe Regional Advisory Committee (Europe RAC) and the SEG Near

What Can Induced Polarization Contribute to Drinking Water Exploration in Deep Aquifers?

21 February 202410:00 AM (CST) Presently, over one-third of the global population, totaling more than 2.3 billion people, face water stress. Since 2000, the impact of global changes has led to severe and prolonged droughts, resulting in approximately 160 million children experiencing water shortages, with episodes lasting 29% longer. Climate change and reduced precipitation exert significant pressure on groundwater recharge, leading to declining water levels in both alluvial and crystalline basement aquifers. This phenomenon results

Hydrogeophysics – Investigating Static/dynamic Variability

17 January 202410:00 AM (Central Time) In the Hydrogeophysics Group (HGG) at Aarhus University we have worked with geophysical methods in the hydro-domain for more than 30 years. Since the beginning of the 2000s we have had a strong focus on TEM methods beginning with the airborne SkyTEM system and later with ground-based systems, both stationary and towed (tTEM). In the last few years, a new generation of TEM instruments has been developed, allowing for

Hydrogeophysics – The Groundwater/surface Water Interface

20 December 202310:00 AM (Central Time) Groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) interactions have important implications for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The GW-SW interface is crucial as it actively regulates the transfer of nutrients, contaminants, and water between GW systems and SW environments. This presentation will focus on several examples utilizing land and water-based TEM methods. These methods permit highly productive and detailed characterization of properties relevant to GW-SW exchanges. The first

Hydrogeophysics – Roaming and stationary methods

15 November 202310:00 AM (Central Time) In the hydrogeophysics Group (HGG) at Aarhus University we have worked with geophysical methods in the hydro-domain for more than 30 years. Since the beginning of the 2000s we have had a strong focus on TEM methods beginning with the airborne SkyTEM system and later with ground-based systems, both stationary and towed (tTEM). In this presentation I discuss several mobile and stationary TEM methods, with the goal of highlighting

Investing the Impact of Partial Flooding on Coastal Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Surveys

20 September 2023 | 10:00 a.m. (Central Time) Chris Terra’s dissertation project focuses on using time-lapse ERT and EMI to investigate saltwater transport dynamics during coastal flooding events at two sites: a coastal marsh-forest and a barrier island, both in Maryland. Chris’s work also consists of a synthetic ERT study using the output from a hydrologic model developed from the barrier island site to investigate the anticipated changes in data and inversion quality over the