Regions: Worldwide

Exploring the Potential of Using GPR to Investigate the Soil-plant Continuum of Maize Crops

18 September 202410:00 AM (CDT) Non-invasive imaging of soil-plant continuum processes, such as root and soil water distributions, can be used to optimize agricultural practices. This presentation will show the how in-situ time-lapse horizontal crosshole ground penetrating radar (GPR) and root images can be linked. Data collected for maize growing seasons at two minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen, Germany is used, where root development and GPR permittivity were monitored at six depths across different treatments and

Near Shore, Near Surface Marine Electromagnetism to Address Scientific and Industry Questions

16 September 20247:00 AM (CDT) There is an increasing need to develop new geophysical tools in near shore marine environments, particularly for the first tens of meter below the seafloor. This need concerns geophysical imaging for marine renewable energy or more generally for geological studies, and also for the detection and localization of ferrous and non-ferrous metallic debris (uxo, wrecks), the tracking of cable or pipelines, archeology, etc. Acoustic and seismic techniques do not always