In this insider’s look at The Leading Edge, host Andrew Geary speaks with Laura Chiaramonte, Technical Leader in the Advanced Generation Sector CO2 Capture and Storage Group at the Electric Power Research Institute. Andrew and Laura discuss TLE’s January special section on carbon dioxide in the subsurface. In this engaging conversation, Laura and Andrew discuss the importance of this topic for applied geophysics, key takeaways from each paper, and what one mystery she hopes to solve as a geophysicist.
Related links
- “Introduction to this special section: CO2 in the subsurface.” Vanessa Nunez-Lopez, Laura Chiaramonte, and Kyle T. Spikes, (2020), The Leading Edge 39: 15–15.
- Special section: CO2 in the subsurface. – The Leading Edge (January 2020)
Subscribers can read the full articles in the SEG Library and abstracts are always free.
Original music by Zach Bridges.
This episode was hosted, edited, and produced by Andrew Geary. Thank you to the SEG podcast team: Jennifer Crockett, Ally McGinnis, and Mick Swiney.
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