Episode 5: SEG Dallas 2016 Annual Meeting Preview

Hear a preview of the 86th Annual Meeting in Dallas, featuring interviews with the General Chair, Technical Program Chair, SEG’s Executive Director, and other members of the SEG staff.

Permalink: https://doi.org/10.1190/seismic-soundoff-episode5

Bringing together thousands of geoscience professionals from more than 70 countries, the SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting provides a unique platform for information exchange, high-level networking and new business development opportunities for the geosciences industry.

This episode will preview the 86th Annual Meeting in Dallas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center from October 16-21. Andrew Geary speaks with the General Chair, Sarah Reed, who will provide tips to get the most out of the Annual Meeting and the city of Dallas. He speaks with the Technical Program Chair, Dr. Charles Sicking, who will highlight a few of the sessions. Charles will also provide you guidance in creating a plan for attending the largest technical program in SEG’s history. Andrew also spoke with SEG staff to better highlight student and member events, book author meet and greets, plus workshops and receptions taking place throughout the week. We’ll also hear from SEG’s executive director, Dorsey Morrow, about what he’s looking forward to in Dallas.

1:26 – Sarah Reed, Dallas General Chair
15:38 – Johnna Yoder, SEG Student and Early Career Advisor
18:36 – Patrick Riley, SEG Member Services Associate
20:10 – Dr. Charles Sicking, 2016 Technical Program Chair
30:12 – Channing Wendt, SEG Global Business Development Advisor
33:42 – Natalie Blythe, SEG Assistant Editor, TLE
39:00 – Dorsey Morrow, SEG Executive Director

Register today and download the SEG Events mobile app for the latest Annual Meeting news.

You can stay connected to the Annual Meeting on social media before, during, and after by using the #SEGAM2016. Follow SEG on Twitter at @seg_org and like us on Facebook – where we’ll be live streaming events from Dallas.

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