James Gaiser, SEG’s 2016 Distinguished Instructor, joins Andrew Geary to discuss his new book and course, 3C Seismic and VSP: Converted waves and vector wavefield applications.
Permalink: https://doi.org/10.1190/seismic-soundoff-episode3
The SEG Distinguished Instructor Short Course (DISC) is an eight-hour, one-day course on a topic of current and widespread interest presented at locations throughout the world. With an emphasis on the unique aspects of vector wavefields, anisotropy, and the important relationships that unify S-waves and P-waves, the 2016 DISC presents an overview of 3C seismic theory and practical application: from fundamentals of PS-waves and vertical seismic profiles, through to acquisition and processing including interpretation techniques.
“As a person who has published books, I am awed by the work the author has done to create this seminal publication.”Bob A. HardageSenior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
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