Podcast Tag: sustainability

Episode 223: Innovating for a Sustainable Future with Geophysics

“In the realm of applied geophysics, we have a lot of knowledge, a lot of skills, a lot of experience in dealing with the subsurface, which translates quite well into carbon capture and storage applications.”

SEG Europe Regional Advisory Committee members discuss the 4th Net-Zero Emissions annual virtual workshop. Guests Emin Sadikov, Antony Price, and Adriana Citlali Ramírez discuss the importance of repurposing knowledge, adapting skill sets, and contributing to carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology innovations. Learn about the industry’s challenges and opportunities, the economic implications, and the importance of global cooperation in addressing climate change.

Episode 214: The Untapped Potential of the Earth’s Hidden Commons w/ Iain Stewart

“I think that selling this idea that if you become a geoscientist in the 21st century, the frontier is not up there in the sky, but is down there underneath your feet.”

In this thought-provoking episode, expert geoscience communicator Iain Stewart opens our eyes to the “hidden commons” of the subsurface. Listeners will be captivated by Iain’s vision of the subsurface as a new frontier, not just for resource exploitation but as a space for sustainable development and urban innovation. This episode will inspire and help give geoscientists a new language to talk about the importance of their work to the world.

Episode 211: Connecting the Energy Transition to Societal Engagement

“How do we move towards a greater societal understanding of what’s required to achieve the goals of decarbonization? Building a sustainable society requires everybody, all the citizens, to do a whole bunch of different things, many of which are minor.”

Murray W. Hitzman, the Director of iCRAG, highlights the energy transition and how to communicate it with the public. With Ireland’s advantageous position for harnessing wind and solar power, as well as the untapped potential of geothermal energy, Murray provides a portrait of a country that’s not only capable of making significant strides in sustainability but is also a microcosm for global change. This conversation is a powerful reminder that sustainability is a multifaceted issue that requires collaboration, innovation, and a willingness to embrace new challenges.

Episode 208: Pioneering Seismic Imaging for Energy and Sustainability

Biondo Biondi, the Director of the Stanford Earth imaging Project (SEP), discusses SEP’s 50-year history and future outlook. Biondo reflects on SEP’s founding during the 1970s oil crisis and today as it tackles modern energy challenges. Biondo discusses how improving seismic imaging can support the future of carbon capture and geothermal energy and help build resilient cities. He also shares why he believes so many SEP alums have been guests on this podcast!

Episode 205: Managing carbon – a new frontier

Kurang Mehta discusses the November special section on carbon management in The Leading Edge.

  • Learn about the history and methods of carbon capture and storage.
  • Gain perspective on how industry experience can inform new approaches while addressing the biases geoscientists take into carbon management.
  • Discover how students drive research and the importance of working together in academia and industry.

Episode 204: Successfully navigating the energy transition

Oil and gas companies have an enormous role in transitioning to a renewable future. This episode examines how Ipieca partners with companies and organizations to support a sustainable future through emissions reduction, nature conservation, and stakeholder engagement.

  • Discover how Ipieca sets sustainability principles for members around climate, nature, and social impacts.
  • Hear why sustainability reporting allows companies to communicate their commitments to stakeholders and demonstrate progress.
  • Gain insights into how transparency and stakeholder engagement will shape the future of oil and gas companies.

Episode 201: Carbon storage data management done right

Sue Carr and Jess Kozman discuss the complexities and possibilities for managing downhole geophysical data for carbon storage. They discuss the challenges in managing well data and clarify common misunderstandings about managing data for carbon storage. This conversation provides an excellent blueprint for the primary components of any data system focused on carbon storage projects, the key challenges and opportunities, and guidance on getting started with your carbon storage project.

Episode 195: Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals with food

Sara Gentilini, founder of GEOfood, discusses how her organization supports the sustainable development of local communities and helps increase achievement towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sara shares the history and purpose of UNESCO Global Geoparks and how she came up with GEOfood. She shares her unique definition of sustainable development and outlines her five sustainable food and agriculture principles. Sara also discusses how geophysicists can use their skills to impact sustainable food and agriculture. This is a unique topic that might inspire some new lines of thinking for your projects.

Episode 157: The value and business case for energy efficiency

Olga Nedorub and Diana Sineva preview IMAGE 2022 and the upcoming panel, "Changing The Dynamics Of Energy Use." Olga starts with a brief overview of the technical program at IMAGE and how Diana reached out to her to host this panel. Next, Diana explains how energy efficiency is the glue to the current energy transition, the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency, and why attendees should attend the panel. Diana also highlights why 40% of the current energy is wasted, why this estimate is low, and how to improve this number without sacrificing comfort or the bottom line.