Podcast Tag: STEM

Episode 215: Strengthening Diversity in the Geosciences w/ Dr. Isaac Crumbly

“I’ve learned much more from my mistakes than I ever learned from my successes, because it was my mistakes that helped me to have successes.”

Meet the man behind the mission to diversify the energy sector. Dr. Isaac Crumbly shares the journey of the Cooperative Developmental Energy Program (CDEP) at Fort Valley State University, a program designed to pave the way for African American students into the energy industry. As he shares his vision, Dr. Crumbly challenges the geophysics community to embrace the perspectives of minority individuals and support the journey toward a more inclusive industry.

Episode 148: Unlocking the next generation of geophysicists

Warren Neff and Luke Gallery discuss exposing high school students to geophysics and how to incorporate the field into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs. Warren also discusses how to recruit mentors for students and why shooting rockets in hallways is the best way to teach quadratics. Luke shares how he went from never hearing of geophysics to publishing papers and considering it for his major. Additionally, Warren highlights why keeping it real is the best way to teach students any subject.