Podcast Tag: Near Surface

Episode 224: The Physics Behind Land Seismic Noise (Christof Stork)

“With ​every ​new ​acquisition, ​spend ​2% ​of ​your ​budget ​to ​do ​research ​to ​understand the ​noise ​and ​signal ​drivers ​in ​your ​area. ​It ​might ​help ​any ​future ​neighboring ​acquisition, ​or ​it ​might ​just ​help ​the ​field ​in ​general, ​​which ​you ​and ​your ​career ​will ​benefit ​from.”

Dr. Christof Stork delves into the intricate world of land seismic noise. Despite the advancements in marine processing and pre-stack depth migration, land seismic methods have yet to see comparable progress. He emphasizes the need for more attention and funding in this area, highlighting how crucial it is for improving seismic data quality. Listeners will better understand why land seismic noise remains a complex problem and the potential pathways to progress.

Episode 190: The unique power of combining GPR and FWI

Anja Klotzsche discusses her Near-Surface Global Lecture, “Unlocking the potential of GPR for subsurface characterization by using full-waveform inversion.” Anja describes the recent developments in FWI that have impacted how to apply GPR. She outlines a few of her favorite GPR applications, the impact of AI on GPR, and her lightbulb moment when she realized her method was special. This episode will challenge you to consider GPR in a new way and, in so doing, put FWI in a new perspective as well.

Episode 188: A reality check on full-wave inversion with Öz Yilmaz

Öz Yilmaz returns to the podcast to highlight his award-winning article, "A reality check on full-wave inversion applied to land seismic data for near-surface modeling." Using his insightful and informative style, Öz provides invaluable information on some of the most important topics facing geophysicists. Do not miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best geophysicists working today.

Episode 164: Understanding the near-surface scattering problem

Carlos Calderón-Macías holistically explores the near-surface scattering problem in this conversation with host Andrew Geary. He highlights ways to understand the problem better and why using the noise as signal approach should be further developed. He also explores the differences in the scattered waves for land, ocean-bottom, and near-surface data. Carlos shares what inspired this lecture, the three groups perfect for this talk, and the questions he hopes attendees will ask themselves. Not only does this conversation highlight the near-surface scattering problem, but it showcases general approaches for solving any geophysical problem.

Episode 159: Optimizing the benefits of machine learning for scientific problems

Souvik Mukherjee discusses his article in July's The Leading Edge about high-resolution imaging of subsurface infrastructure using AI. In this conversation, Souvik presents field study results from Texas and California that show the potential for imaging pipelines and other subsurface infrastructure using AI-based methods on high-resolution aboveground magnetic data. He also highlights the similarities and differences between conventional least-squares inversion and machine learning-based inversion and how he achieved a 100-fold increase in efficiency. Whether exploring AI, machine learning, algorithms, or the latest geophysical technology, this conversation has something for everyone.

Episode 154: How to sustainably develop on reclaimed lands

Yanlong Niu discusses his paper, "In-situ physical properties of reclaimed lands in Singapore," from the May issue of The Leading Edge. Yanlong explores the value of multichannel analysis of surface waves to investigate these lands and shares what they discovered with these pioneering tests. These in-situ measurements are crucial for civil engineering constructions and the redevelopment of reclaimed lands in the future. So he also offers tips on how other geophysicists can build upon this study in their communities.

Episode 147: Living with uncertainty – using near-surface in urban settings

Yunyue Elita Li discusses her upcoming South & East Asia Honorary Lecture, "Listening to Singapore: Harvesting urban noise for space, water, and hazard mitigation." Elita shares how she designed novel signal processing techniques that turn urban hum into rich information about the urban system, both above and below the surface. She also outlines what public officials, citizens, and engineers should understand about geophysics to support sustainable practices and growth in urban environments. This episode is full of communication tips and scientific insights to improve life in our cities.

Episode 137: How near-surface geophysics protects the world

Klaus Holliger discusses his 2022 Honorary Lecture, “Using Near-Surface Geophysics to Estimate Soil and Rock Physical Properties.” The shallow subsurface contains our drinking water and produces our food, and it is also where we ultimately discharge much of our waste. Recent history has taught us that overuse, let alone abuse, of our environment, may lead to the long-term detriment to our livelihood. The protection and sustainable use of this fragile surficial environment has therefore become

Episode 127: Breakthroughs for surface-wave tomography for the near-surface

Myrto Papadopoulou and Farbod Khosro Anjom spotlight the recent advances in surface-wave tomography for near-surface applications from August’s The Leading Edge. In this episode, Myrto and Farbod discuss why surface-wave tomography has not been applied regularly to near-surface applications, highlight more efficient models they developed, explain how automatic data screening allowed for their breakthroughs, and imagine what future advances in surface-wave tomography will occur. Myrto and Farbod are both postdoc researchers at the Department of Environment,

Episode 123: Land Seismic Case Studies with Oz Yilmaz

Oz Yilmaz discusses his latest book, Land Seismic Case Studies for Near-Surface Modeling and Subsurface Imaging. Written for practicing geophysicists, this book is the culmination of land seismic data acquisition and processing projects conducted by Oz over the last two decades. His expertise and experience are highlighted in detail in this revealing and essential conversation.