Podcast Tag: Gravity and magnetics

Episode 221: The Untapped Potential of Non-Seismic Methods (Irina Filina, April 2024 TLE)

“Non-unique does not equal non-valuable when it comes to geophysical solutions.”

Dr. Irina Filina discusses April’s special section on gravity, electrical, and magnetic methods in The Leading Edge. Irina unravels the misconceptions about non-seismic methods and advocates for their proper use and integration with seismic data. With compelling examples, this episode illustrates how these methods can significantly reduce uncertainty and costs in subsurface exploration.

114: The future of learning and nonseismic

In this forward-thinking conversation, Dr. Michal Ruder shares the most important thing for explorationists to focus on right now, what she would say to the CEO of an oil and gas company, the future of GIS data for exploration, and the importance of nonseismic work in geophysics. As the world transitions to more forms of hybrid learning, this episode will help provide clarity and direction in your continuing education.