Podcast Tag: communication

Episode 214: The Untapped Potential of the Earth’s Hidden Commons w/ Iain Stewart

“I think that selling this idea that if you become a geoscientist in the 21st century, the frontier is not up there in the sky, but is down there underneath your feet.”

In this thought-provoking episode, expert geoscience communicator Iain Stewart opens our eyes to the “hidden commons” of the subsurface. Listeners will be captivated by Iain’s vision of the subsurface as a new frontier, not just for resource exploitation but as a space for sustainable development and urban innovation. This episode will inspire and help give geoscientists a new language to talk about the importance of their work to the world.

Episode 169: The complexities of people and geohazards

Heather Bedle and Chris Garneau explore public misperceptions of geohazards, the power of experiencing earthquakes, and ways to improve scientific communication with the public. This episode breaks down geohazards and their impact on the public and provides actionable steps for geoscientists to study geohazards better and discuss their work with others.

Episode 139: Persuading the decision-makers

Laura Bandura discusses her 2022 Distinguished Lecture, “Quantifying the Business Impact of Seismic Technology to Deepwater Exploration.” In a low oil price environment, it is more important than ever to prioritize technology projects to ensure the greatest return on investment. There is much pressure to accelerate the time-to-impact of corporate research and technology programs. In many cases, the geoscientists who are developing these breakthrough technologies are expected to demonstrate the value of these initiatives, which