Sue Carr and Jess Kozman discuss the complexities and possibilities for managing downhole geophysical data for carbon storage. They discuss the challenges in managing well data and clarify common misunderstandings about managing data for carbon storage. This conversation provides an excellent blueprint for the primary components of any data system focused on carbon storage projects, the key challenges and opportunities, and guidance on getting started with your carbon storage project.
Podcast Tag: CO2
Episode 197: Building confidence in CO2 storage with forecasting and monitoring
Philip Ringrose discusses his upcoming Distinguished Instructor Short Course, “Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers – Building confidence by forecasting and monitoring.” Philip reviews the science and technology underpinning CO2 storage in deep saline aquifer formations using insights from several industrial-scale projects. Philip also addresses what’s needed to achieve climate-significant scales of CCS deployment. You should listen to this episode if you are interested in this topic.
Episode 181: Seismic’s role in geological carbon capture and storage
Geological carbon capture and storage is a critical component of CO2 emission reduction, which aims to alleviate global climate change. In this conversation with host Andrew Geary, Roman Pevzner explains why a subsurface monitoring program is necessary for geological carbon storage and the range of seismic methods used to monitor CO2 storage. Carbon capture and storage will play a major role in the future of geophysics, and this conversation helps demonstrate possible paths.
Episode 142: How to technologically scale CCUS
Don Lawton of Carbon Management Canada and Mark Tinker of Quantum Technology Sciences discuss the latest technological advances for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). In this cutting-edge conversation on the state of technology for CCUS, Don and Mark highlight the need to accelerate the development and implementation of CCUS technologies, illustrate what better carbon storage monitoring technologies would mean for the climate, and outline how to overcome the challenges to scale CCUS. Mark also discusses real-field applications of the latest technology and the unique opportunities Carbon Management Canada offers to develop new tools to address a net-zero emission future.
Episode 140: Applying seismic to CCUS applications
Amine Ourabah discusses carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) from the January 2022 special section on seismic acquisition in The Leading Edge. Amine explains why CCUS is at the center of the net-zero-emission conversation, the need for cheaper and easier-to-use technology, and the unique innovations explored in his field trial. This conversation lays out the seismic and technological needs and innovations to move carbon capture and renewable energies forward. Seismic Soundoff · 140: Applying seismic to
Episode 134: How to lower risk and operate more efficiently
Thomas Finkbeiner discusses geomechanics from the November 2021 special section in The Leading Edge. In this episode, Thomas highlights the link between geophysics and geomechanics in developing renewable and unconventional resources, explores case studies presented in the special section, shares the current state of research on induced seismicity during CO2 injection, and illustrates how geomechanics impacts the entire life cycle of a reservoir.
Episode 132: The essential role of industry for long-term CO2 storage
Mark Zoback discusses his Honorary Lecture, "Geomechanical Issues Affecting Long-Term Storage of CO2." In this episode, Mark highlights how oil and gas companies are best positioned to address the needs for large-scale carbon storage. He also discusses the role of depleted oil and gas reservoirs for CO2 storage, as well as the geomechanical issues that have to be considered.