Aria Abubakar, the SEG-AAPG IMAGE 2022 Technical Program Chair, discusses what to expect for the Technical Program at IMAGE 2022. Aria highlights the changes for 2022, breaks down the themes and tracks for the program, answers common questions, and shares why you should submit your abstract before the deadline. He also discusses the benefits of attending the fully in-person meeting in Houston, Texas. Seismic Soundoff · 144: Highlighting the IMAGE 2022 Technical Program About IMAGE
Podcast Tag: Annual Meeting
Episode 124: IMAGE ’21 Preview with Jim White
In this episode, host Andrew Geary speaks with Jim White, Executive Director of SEG, to discuss IMAGE '21, his first few months on the job, and the future of applied geophysics. Topics include the relocation of SEG's headquarters to Houston, the possible merger of AAPG and SPE, and what to expect in Denver, Colorado for IMAGE '21.
Episode 92: SEG20 Keynote Address and Opening Session
In this episode, the keynote address and SEG president's State of the Society address from the Opening Session at the 90th Annual Meeting hosted virtually for the first time in its history. First, the SEG President Rick Miller presents the State of the Society address, followed by the keynote address from Dr. Michael Oristaglio.
Episode 91: Previewing SEG20
In this episode, host Andrew Geary speaks with Dr. Wafik Beydoun, the Chair of the Annual Meeting Steering Committee, to discuss SEG20. Wafik and Andrew discuss what to expect during the all-virtual event, the unique benefits and value of the virtual setting, highlights of the technical sessions, and how networking will be as strong as any SEG.
Episode 64: SEG 2019 preview
In this episode, host Andrew Geary previews the 2019 International Exposition and 89th Annual Meeting. Andrew speaks with the Technical Program Co-Chair on all the educational opportunities, the General Chair on what to expect on the Exhibition Floor, and SEG's new Executive Director highlights what members and attendees can expect in San Antonio. This episode is sponsored by TGS.