A video update from SEG President on IMAGE ’23 abstract change

The IMAGE ’23 Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs, the Steering Committee, the Oversight Committee, and key staff from SEG and AAPG are intent on increasing the value of IMAGE and made the decision to change the abstract submission process.

In response to feedback from potential IMAGE participants and other stakeholders regarding the initial changes to the Expanded Abstract submission process, the Technical Program Committee issued a revised Technical Program Submission Process in the following regard:

  1. The original process was unclear regarding whether submitted Expanded Abstracts would be made available to IMAGE registrants prior to the meeting. The IMAGE Technical Program Committee has worked with the IMAGE Oversight and Steering Committees and other individuals on refining the Expanded Abstract process to ensure that submitted Expanded Abstracts will be made available to registrants in non-peer-acceptance reviewed format prior to the meeting. This clarification ensures that all IMAGE registrants will indeed have the information required to make decisions on which talks to attend.
  2. To ensure Expanded Abstracts meet similar technical quality to those published for previous IMAGE events, all submitted Expanded Abstracts will now go through a peer-acceptance review process prior to being accepted for publication in either the SEG or AAPG Library. This addition will ensure that accepted IMAGE Expanded Abstracts share the equivalent review standard as those submitted for previous IMAGE events.
  3. For more information on the submission process, please download this file.

We thank our respective memberships for their constructive feedback on the IMAGE ’23 technical submission process and look forward to a continued and timely dialogue on improving the technical abstract process for the IMAGE ’24 event.


Ken Tubman

SEG President