Padang, the capital and largest city in West Sumatra, Indonesia is considesred to have one of the highest tsunami risks in the world due to its high earthquake hazard, vulnerable terrain, and population density (more than 800,000 people). Project partners evaluated Padang’s tsunami evacuation infrastructure and developed a plan with local authorities, the public, and engineers resulting in improved evacuation plans.
GWB Category: Tsunami Preparedness
Java, Indonesia
Training in Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and Implementing Seismic Disaster Mitigation Strategies This project aimed to provide maps and models of seismic amplification and tsunami risk from a variety of regions in eastern Indonesia. The team used Vs30 Measurements (S-Wave velocity at 30 meters depth) 57 Vs30 and 48 HVSR measurements on 6 islands to acquire data and excavated 8 paleotsunami trenches and documented imbricated beachrock boulder deposits at 18 different sites. This
Java, Indonesia
Many coastal communities in Java, Indonesia, inhabit areas inundated by past tsunamis. This project?s technical approach examined the tsunami risk for coastal communities in Java by examining historical data on tsunamis, sampling tsunami deposits, idesntifying seismic gaps, and creating tsunami models that help better demonstrate the risk to the region. The project used the technical information to create a tsunami preparedness program designed to reduce risk of catastrophic loss in the event of a future