The Geology of Unconventional Reservoirs

Bruce Hart

In addition to defining the main unconventional reservoir types, the course will distinguish between exploration and development drivers, and expose participants (through short, hands-on exercises) to other types of geoscience and engineering tools (Rock Eval, XRD, decline curves, etc.) of importance for unconventional reservoir characterization.


4 Half-day interactive webinar sessions

Intended Audience

Intermediate Level

Prerequisites (Knowledge/Experience/Education Required)

General knowledge of basic geology and interest in building technical bridges between geoscience sub disciplines and with petroleum engineering.

Detailed Course Description

This 16 hour course will include a mix of lectures, short exercises and discussion sessions. The content will be prepared to anticipate the likelihood that participants will have different levels of technical knowledge about petroleum geology. In addition to defining the main unconventional reservoir types, the course will distinguish between exploration and development drivers, and expose participants (through short, hands-on exercises) to other types of geoscience and engineering tools (Rock Eval, XRD, decline curves, etc.) of importance for unconventional reservoir characterization. The technical content draws mostly upon the instructor’s personal experience with the different reservoir types, and the format draws upon his 25+ years of professional instruction experience.

The course begins by leading participants through a review of basic petroleum geology concepts (stratigraphy, structure, reservoirs, source rocks, etc.) and contrasts the distinctive characteristics of conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Most of the course will focus on describing, discussing and analyzing the three main types of unconventional reservoirs: 1) Source-rock reservoirs (“shale plays”) such as the Eagle Ford or Vaca Muerta. 2) Low-permeability sandstones, including naturally fractured tight-gas sandstones (e.g., Rocky Mountain basins) and tight-oil accumulations (e.g., Bakken). 3) fractured tight carbonates such as the Austin Chalk or fractured Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs of the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere. (Other types of unconventional reservoirs, such as coalbed methane or fractured granites, can be covered as time/interest permit.) Hybrid systems, which include different unconventional reservoir types and/or a mix of conventional and unconventional reservoirs, will also be covered. For each reservoir type, participants will learn about their distinguishing geologic characteristics, consider how engineers will choose to drill and complete them, examine two case studies, and discuss which types of geophysical tools can be used/adapted to better explore for and develop them.

Learner Outcomes

  • Define the primary types of unconventional reservoirs and the geoscience controls on whether an unconventional hydrocarbon accumulation exists and can be exploited economically
  • Construct simple unconventional reservoir exploration and development workflows. Which geoscience and engineering data types are needed, and at what stage of the E&P cycle?
  • Identify the appropriate geo- and rock-physics tools that are useful for exploration and development of different unconventional reservoir types. What makes some methods useful in some situations but not others?
  • Effectively communicate with other geoscience and petroleum engineering disciplines by gaining a shared understanding of their tools and paradigms
  • Develop applied and fundamental geophysics and rock-physics research programs that are best suited for unconventional reservoir exploration and development

Instructor Biography

Bruce Hart