Drone-Based Magnetic and Electromagnetic Measurements in Sweden: A Few Case Studies

13 September 2023
7:00 AM–8:00 AM (CST)

In the frame of an EU-funded project, Smart Exploration, two data acquisition systems have been developed by the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU and Uppsala University (UU) to measure the total magnetic field and electromagnetic (EM) signals from distant radio transmitters in the frequency range 10-350 kHz on-board an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The EM system is composed of a data logger and a three-component induction coil sensor, mounted in a costume-built bird, and records the magnetic field components of the EM signal in three perpendicular directions. The EM system is hung 10 m below the UAV. A semi-airborne test was also conducted using a grounded electric dipole transmitter at frequencies down to 1 kHz. The collected semi-airborne data are of good quality and show high signal to noise ratio. SGU has further developed and utilized drone-based systems in various projects, for example the FUTURE project, for mapping and modelling mineral resources.  In this work three case studies in Sweden, with different purposes and targets are presented.    


Speaker Bios

Mehrdad Bastani

Mehrdad Bastani received an MSc in geophysics from the faculty of Geophysics at Tehran University in 1993. He then moved to Sweden and started a PhD in geophysics at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University (1995-2000). The focus of his PhD was on the development of a new instrument, the so-called EnviroMT, to be used for mapping and modelling of the near surface electrical resistivity of the ground. He started his courier at the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) in October 2000. His main expertise is on the processing, modelling, and interpretation of frequency domain electromagnetic data. At SGU he has been working on large airborne geophysical data sets such as magnetic, transient EM, VLF, and gamma radiation for modelling and interpretation of various geological features and processes. He has been working as an adjunct professor at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University since 2019. He was involved in an EU funded project, Smart Exploration (2017-2022), to develop data acquisition systems for UAV-borne frequency domain EM measurements.