SEG Board of Directors candidates needed. 

All SEG members are encouraged to submit recommendations for positions on the SEG Board of Directors.

The list of Board positions for which nominees are sought for the 2025 election are listed below:

  • President-Elect
  • Second Vice President
  • Vice President, Publications
  • Director at Large

All recommendations for Board positions must be submitted by completing the nomination form by 1 December for consideration in the next election. Nominations will go to the Chair of the Nominations Committee and will be added to the database of potential candidates for the committee to use when selecting new Board nominees. The candidate’s Curriculum Vitae is required when submitting the nomination form.

SEG Bylaws require candidates for the SEG Board of Directors to be Active Members of SEG in good standing.


SEG District Candidates Needed

In addition to Board elections, each of the twelve geographic districts holds elections annually to fill one empty seat to serve on the SEG Council. The term of each District Representative is two years. If you are an Active Member of SEG in good standing and interested in running for election in your geographical district please e-mail [email protected] and attach your CV. District boundaries can be found in the SEG Bylaws or on the SEG website.

SEG Election Campaign Policy

The SEG Bylaws provides for the annual election of Board Directors and District Representatives by the Voting Members of the Society. Member participation in the election ensures that those individuals selected to represent them influence and guide the activities of the Society will faithfully pursue the Purpose and Objectives of the Society as defined in Article II of the Bylaws. Their participation also provides an opportunity for Members to determine whether the candidates would work on their behalf and whether they share the values and interests of the SEG membership.

To ensure an informed electorate, it is necessary for eligible voters to be aware of the qualifications of the candidates, their familiarity with the Bylaws, and their positions on issues important to the success of the Society. It is also important that the election process be fair to all candidates, and not result in division of the membership and nor in rancor in the candidates themselves or those that share some of their interests and perspectives. To this end, the following rules governing the election process are introduced.

The Society has established a Code of Ethics that must be accepted by every applicant for membership. This code requires the members’ adherence to the principles of fidelity and fairness in all dealings and professional contacts. In furtherance of this code of professional conduct, the following rules governing campaigning for SEG Board and District Representative positions have been adopted:

  1. No unfair advantage to the candidate shall accrue due to association with an SEG Section, Associated Society, or Technical Section (hereinafter ‘Section’). Therefore:
    • No candidates shall be given the opportunity to address, for election purposes, any sanctioned Section or other SEG meeting or gathering of SEG members. The introduction of the candidate as an SEG Board or District candidate is permitted at the option of the presiding officer.
    • No Section funds or other assets shall be used in the furtherance of the candidate’s campaign.
  2. While it is important to provide the electorate with information on a candidate’s qualifications and position on relevant matters, no campaigning will be allowed. Therefore:
    • No solicitation (e.g., social media, mailings, e-mail, etc.) by any means of votes on behalf of, or in opposition to, a candidate will be allowed by the candidate or any Member.
    • The organizing and holding of rallies or special purpose meetings designed to further the campaign of a specific candidate, or candidates, is prohibited.
    • Participating as a lecturer or speaker during the candidacy period, with the objective or perceived objective of promoting one’s candidacy is prohibited.  Commitments made prior to candidacy are allowed.
    • Any overt or obvious desire to bring undue attention to a candidate in furtherance of the candidate’s campaign is prohibited.
  3. Candidates may receive direct inquiries from Members regarding their candidacy. If this happens the candidate is allowed to respond if comfortable doing so.
  4. If a candidate becomes aware of someone else promoting a candidacy, they must contact the SEG Executive Director immediately and advise if the promotion has ceased, been removed, or if action is required by SEG. 

The Campaign Policy shall be posted alongside election information on the SEG website. To ensure that all candidates are aware of the rules governing campaigns and campaigning, the SEG Business Office shall directly notify each candidate of the SEG Election Campaign Policy at the time of nomination. As a condition of candidacy for SEG Board Director or District Representative, each candidate must accept, and adhere to, the spirit and intent of this Campaign Policy and so indicate by signing a statement of acknowledgement.

To ensure that election campaigns are conducted fairly and in accordance with the established Campaign Policy, members are requested to notify the SEG Executive Director, in writing, of any perceived violations of the provisions or intent of this Policy. The Executive Director shall immediately notify the Committee on Nominations of reported infractions.

The Committee shall then formally consider the reported infractions and take one of the following actions:

  1. Dismiss the complaint without further action.
  2. Notify the candidate or Member of the reported infraction and send a written warning to cease and desist the offending activity.
  3. Appoint a subcommittee to investigate the offending activity and report their findings to the entire Committee within two weeks of activation.

Based on the subcommittee’s findings, the Committee may enforce a number of remedies up to, and including, disqualification of the candidate. If the infraction is found to have occurred without knowledge or participation by the candidate, the Member(s) involved shall be reported to the Board of Directors to be handled in accordance with the same procedures given in the SEG Bylaws and the SEG Policies and Procedures Manual for addressing allegations of behavior contrary to the Code of Ethics.